—— Your most reliable supplier of polyurethane elastomers

Winthane series fracturing rubber


Valve end seal of fracturing pump, commonly known as "Versaille rubber", is one of the vulnerable parts in fracturing operation. Its life directly affects the cost of fracturing operation.

At present, there are many kinds of fracturing fluids used in fracturing operations, and their composition is very complex. It is required that the fracturing fluids have good sand carrying performance. With the increase of fracturing depth, the maximum working pressure has reached more than 100 Mpa, and the operating time is getting longer and longer.

The performance and service life of Versaille rubber is the key to ensure the smooth fracturing process. Yuanxing material, as a raw material supplier of polyurethane, fully utilizes our understanding advantages of polyurethane material and combines the characteristics of excellent fracturing equipment suppliers at home and abroad to design a more cost-effective WINTHANE-Versaille rubber skin.

    The following conditions are met:

Working environment: fracturing operations of land oil / gas fields, offshore oil / gas fields, shale gas and so on.

Working pressure: less than 140Mpa

Working temperature: -25 C -120 C

Working medium: all kinds of fracturing fluids

