MDI-based casting solution
As a kind of material with good wear resistance, polyurethane has been widely used in all kinds of tire applications.
With the development of the industry, the working condition of the sealing element becomes more and more severe, and the proper material selection becomes the key of the sealing system.
As a kind of wear-resistant elastic material, polyurethane elastomer has a large proportion in all kinds of mining machinery parts.
The increasingly severe working conditions make the cost of oil extraction rising, and the choice of good materials is an effective solution to this problem.
The mold core is an important part of the ceramic mold, which plays an important role in the ceramic tile forming process
广东元星工业新材料有限公司是中国领先的聚氨酯预聚体和聚氨酯弹性体产品开发商和制造商。凭借我们在行业中的17年的丰富的专业知识和奉献精神,我们能够提供高质量的产品,解决方案和服务,效 率和创新,以氨基甲酸酯为基础的设计,原型和制造。
从2001年仅有10名员工,到今天的将近100名员工,25,000平方米的制造设施和超过10,000 吨的年预聚物产量,元星已经建立了一个完整的聚氨酯弹性体产业链。我们开发了著名的ALF ONSO聚氨酯预聚体系列及各种下游产品广泛应用于陶瓷工业,传动,密封工业,工程机械, 煤矿,石油钻井,高速铁路和国防工业等前沿领域。
2005年,我们与科林技术聚氨酯有限公司建立了战略合作伙伴关系。通过多年的深 入合作研发,我们开发了几种高性能产品来替代进口产品。我们对聚氨酯化学的了解,近二十年的研发,先进的制造设备和检验设备,高于职业标准,确保我们的产品的质量和经济性。 元星拥有12项专利,并通过了ISO 9001:2008认证。我们的产品远销全球20多个国家。以聚氨酯弹性体为中心,我们将继续满足各行业的未来需求,将产品置于技术的最前沿。
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